New Features
Zapier Integration Open BETA
We have completed the internal beta test for the new Zapier integration and are releasing it as an open beta for all to use.
Zapier will allow you to set post-nuture automations and so much more!
To set up and for more information about the Zapier integration please see this article
Added a direct link to PTO additional pay directly on the Additional Pay Page
A new Credit Card Processing option is available and able to be added to your integrations found within your Company Tab > General > Integrations
For more information please go to the following link!
We have added 2 new options under the Integration
Display billing address form on credit card input
Require billing address form fields on a credit card input
These new options give you extra security options when setting up your CC system for pre-approvals and authorizations
Report: Lead Campaign - Add "Created Date" column and filter
Allowing you to search for leads created in a specific time frame alongside all the other great features of this campaign
Customers who Unsubscribe, have Invalid Phone numbers, and Non-Mobile Phone Numbers will have their Contact Type set to Other and a Note added to the Contact.
The system will now appropriately mark and add a note to clients who have unsubscribed, provided an incorrect phone number, or whose number is not able to receive text messages. saving you from receiving multiple tickets!
UI Updates
Credit Cards: Update Labels for Default and the button to Set Default
Company Settings: Integrations tab: Cleanup and implement Accordions for each integration
We have cleaned up the Company > General > Integrations tab with no collapsing modals for each integration!
Global: Login Page - Privacy Policy Link / Terms and Log
PTO Hours not showing in "Payroll Summary" on Multiple day PTO requests
Quoting Tool - POST to Step 2
##RA_NEWBILLRATE## fixed when the service set does not have rate modifiers
Skip Allowed hours applying to tech, when unselected
Zones on customer efficiency map - not populating
Scorecards from being sent more than once due to two Techs checking out at the same time.