Closing The Week (payroll) in MaidCentral: How To

Payroll - 
Closing out your week in MaidCentral is an important part of a weekly workflow to ensure timeclocks are correct, jobs are invoiced and paid correctly, as well as to populate some of the most useful reports in MaidCentral

Initial Tasks

There are multiple Errors that need to be fixed, and several tasks that need to be completed in order to close the payroll at the end of the week. We typically divide these tasks into 2 Categories, Daily and weekly. Tasks that get done daily, will make closing payroll at the end of the week much quicker and easier especially when editing timeclocks

Daily Tasks

  1. Verify employee Day clock times. Add employee time clocks or Edit existing time clocks if necessary. 
      1. If you are unsure of how to correct errors seen on the payroll summary related to timeclocks, please see the below "Errors" Section to resolve timeclock errors
  2. Verify Employee job clocks are accurate and within day clocks. Add employees to jobs or edit job times if necessary. 
    1. We recommend using the Time Clock Monitor to ensure all job clocks are within day clocks, and all breaks are appropriate. Ensuring every team member's time clock is accurate the day of will significantly decrease the time it takes to close payroll.
  3. Create Invoices and Charge Cards
    1. Ensure all Bill rates and rate modifiers are correct, and ensure tips that are applied are there.
    2. After ensuring all time clocks are correct, Invoice your clients for the day appropriately. Batch invoice/Charge/Post payment to all invoices that are required.

Taking the above steps daily will ensure accurate timeclocks, and appropriate bill rates and billing cycles. Above all else, it will save you time at the end of the week when closing out jobs.

Weekly Tasks

  1. Review payroll for accuracy.
    1. Ensure there are no errors at the top of the page
    2. Look at Gross wages, Drive, and office hours for any insanely high or low numbers
    3. Ensure nobody has a Negative Drive and Office hours signaling a bad timesheet  - >
  2. Add additional pay for Holiday, Tiered Pay or Paid Time Off if applicable
    1. Bulk Additional Pay -
    2. Tiered Pay -
    3. PTO Workflow -
  3. Check the Jobs Not Invoiced report for any jobs that need to be invoiced
    1. Payroll can not be closed if all jobs are not batched or invoiced.
  4. Check the Invoice Details Report for any invoices that need payment posted or closed out
    1. This step is not required but is a good workflow to make sure all pending invoices are paid.
  5. Once all errors are cleared and all columns on the payroll summary look correct. Close Payroll by clicking the button


Payroll Summary Errors

When viewing your payroll summary, prior to closing there are 4 potential errors you can get that are related to TimeClocks or Invoicing. The below section will outline how to fix these errors! Each error has a "Click Here" section that will bring up a separate model outlining the issue at hand.

Pending Jobs Without Timesheets

  • This error is one of the easiest to fix, Once opening the modal the system will let you know which client, Home Name, service set, and Date of the job that has no timeclocks on it.
  • Creating completed Timeclocks on these jobs from the Employee Tab > Daily Timeclocks will resolve this issue 

Pending Jobs that Have not been invoiced

  • This error is for any job that is not Batch invoiced, that is still yet to be created. Any job that the customer is not set to Batch Invoicing will need every job within the payroll period to be invoiced.
  • You can create invoices for these jobs on the Company > Invoicin and Job Records for the appropriate days

Employees that have Timesheets outside of their day clocks

  • Typically the most confusing error is the "Timesheet outside of Day clock" error we will break down 2 examples of this below if you are unable to figure out your error do not hesitate to open a ticket and we can help you out!
  • EX 1: Williams seen below has a Day clock from 11:51 - (no clock out) and a job that starts a 12:34 with also no clock out. Adding an end-time  to both his day clock and his job sheet will correct this error
  • Ex 2: Shielderson was clocked in for her day from 11:00 AM to 4:55 PM but has a job clock from 4:55-5:00
    • The system doesn't understand how Paige can only be clocked in until 4:55 for the day but is on the job until 5:00 PM
      • Adjusting either her day clock to 5:00 PM or deleting this job clock is the fix to this error

Day Clocks that have not Been clocked out of

  • This error is the easiest of all errors and simply means the employee never clocked out on the given day 
  • As seen below these 2 employees clocked in on 9/13 but never clocked out after their last jobs. Adding Out times to their day clocks will correct this issue!




Closing Payroll and What It Does 

Once all the above steps have been taken and you are ready to close payroll it will be as simple as clicking the "Generate Employee Payroll" button on the selected week.

What does this button do?

  • Once you close payroll it closes all jobs associated with that date range. This in essence locks the job times allowing for nothing to be changed.
  • Make those payroll records viewable by your employees if you have enabled the feature Employee Payroll --
    • Employees have the ability to log into MaidCentral to view and manage their employee data. Optionally, enable this feature to have Payroll data visible to them in their portal. This feature can be found under Company > General >Features > Employee Payroll.
  • Populate Data on the Following reports
    • Stats by week
    • Custom Dashboard Widgets
    • Employee Productivity
    • Employee Turnover
    • Customer Campaigns ( in order for a customer to be a customer they must have a closed job)
    • Rate reports - (Average rates etc. are based on Closed Jobs)


Common Questions and Answers

  • Can I Close Payroll Without All of my Jobs Being Invoiced for that Payroll Pay Date Range?

    • Yes and No. MaidCentral doesn't require batch-invoiced jobs to be invoiced before closing payroll.  All other jobs have to be invoiced.  

    • Batch invoiced clients will not cause an error to appear and can be invoiced at later dates
  • I use a different payroll system and dont need to use MaidCentrals
    • We still highly recommend closing out weeks in MC as you will not be truly utilizing all features of the system unless the week is being closed. Multiple reports and even campaigns require jobs to be closed to work.






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