Using your Employee Clock Monitor & Team Monitor to Audit Clocks

Scheduling & Dispatch - Are all my team members clocked in for the day? Where are my teams at? Does anyone need help finishing a job? These are just a few of the many questions you can answer by using your Employee Clock Monitor and Team Monitor.

As an Office User for your professional cleaning company, scheduling and dispatch could be a required job task.  Being able to quickly see that everyone has either arrived at the office and is clocked in, or if they go straight to their first house and have clocked in for the day from there, the Employee Clock Monitor lets you know that they're ready to load their car, come to an office meeting, or check in to begin working their first job.

Your Team Monitor does just that.  It allows you to monitor your teams in real-time.  The technicians' check-in and out activity will designate the status shown for each home on their route throughout the day.  By monitoring this you can ensure to your team that you care by knowing if a technician could use help, had an inefficient route getting in between houses, forgot to check in or out of a home, or acknowledging that they had an excellent day and did an amazing job.  And who doesn't love to hear that they did a great job today?

Employee Clock Monitor Key:

Located in the Employees tab > Employee Clock Monitor or Employees tab > Daily Timeclocks >Employee Clock Monitor

There are 4 statuses that can be seen on the Employee Clock Monitor for day clocks.

Red: This means the employee has not clocked in

Green: The employee has clocked in and out, their day is complete

Yellow: The employee is currently clocked in

Blue : The day clock is less than 5 minutes

There are 4 statuses on the Employee Clock Monitory for jobs clocks.

In Progress: There is an employee checked into the job

Complete: The employee has checked out of the job

Flagged: Job clocks are flagged if they are outside the employee's day clocks (red) or have checked into a job for less than 5 minutes (blue). Job clocks will also be flagged if employees are checked into a job before their scheduled start time for the day.

Flags will also appear red if there are overlapping jobs or day clocks.

Breaks are also indicated on the Employee Clock Monitor

Paid breaks will be included in the Job row and labeled "Paid". Unpaid breaks will be included in the Day row.

Team Monitor Key:

Located in the Customers tab > Team Monitor

There are 5 statuses for jobs on the Team Monitor and are listed below:

You can toggle the Show Job Clocks tab to hide or display the job clocks allowing you to compare the scheduled times to the actual times teams were on jobs in grey.