How Technicians Can Report or Create an Office Ticket From Their Employee Account

Employees can report issues, ask questions, submit pictures, and even Leave Notes on Jobs for the office to see!

Once an Employee Is clocked in, and Checked Into a job they will have a few options from inside a Job Dashboard

Job Dashboard: The job dashboard can be accessed by clicking on any of your jobs for the day inside your Employee Portal

Once inside the Job Dashboard you will have multiple options for submitting tickets and pictures!

Upload a photo:

- To upload a photo at the bottom of the job dashboard the technician can click "Upload Job photo" seen below


Add a Note

- Directly under the Photo option, technicians have the option to leave a note on a job as well which will open a ticket!


After the technician leaves a note or adds a picture the system will create a ticket, the office will get a notification on their employee dashboard

Below is a "How To" video showing  you how a technician can create a note for a job.  This feature would be used to send a message back to the office about a particular job in the form of an open tickets.

Examples:   To report a broken item, updated information about the pets in the home, add new information about the home on the client's work order.