How to Upload a Job Photo as a Technician

MaidCentral allows your technicians to quickly and easily upload photos to a job!

Uploading a Job Photo as a Technician

1. Navigate to Your Technician Dashboard

2. Click on the Customer Job Panel, entering into the job information

3. Click "Upload Job Photo" found at the bottom right.

Screenshot of: Click "Upload Job Photo" found at the bottom right.

4. Click "Choose Files" and select the appropriate picture

Screenshot of: Click "Choose Files" and select the appropriate picture

5. Add a title, and Description, then Click "Save"

Screenshot of: Add a title, and Description, then Click "Save"

Please Note:

These photos will only be attached to the specific job. they will not save to the customer or home, only the job

A ticket is created upon adding a photo that can be seen by the office