Inside of MaidCentral, there are several ways to get either a list or a breakdown of your active clients depending on what you are looking for
Please Note*** - MaidCentral customer count, and job count are different - MaidCentral jobs are considered "Service Sets" not customers, so depending on what you are after, you will be looking for a Service Set Count or a Customer Count
Ex: "I want to know how many recurring cleans I have" - this is a Service Set question and will be found under a list of service set information.
Ex: "I want a list of all active clients so I can send them a thank you email" - this is a client list or Client count report that will help with this
Active Customer Count
When looking for just a count on your active customers, Using the "Customer Count" Report will be your quickest option
On the left side of the report, under the "Active Counts by Frequency" you can get a quick number of how many active customers you have
Customer counts are typically lower than service set counts due to customers with multiple homes, or multiple services under the same home
Active Customer List
When looking to pull a detailed list of active customers there are two solid options inside of MaidCentral
1 - Customer Campaigns - Under the Company Tab > Campaigns > Customer Campaign - You can populate a large set of data and from the campaign directly email, or message all active clients
Highlighted below are the 2 most important fields when filling out this campaign to pull a proper list, making sure your customer's last jobs are within the window and setting your active job count to your appropriate window as well.
2 - A quicker and Easier way to get a list of active customers is through the "Customer Efficiency Map" found under Reports > Customer Efficiency Map
Once inside the Map, clicking the display button seen below > Customer data will pull up a list of all customers displayed on the map
*** The Customer Efficiency Map only displays customers with at least 1 Pending job or "Active customers"