Report | Customer Counts

Reporting - To find the Customer Counts report go to Reports > All Reports > Search Customer Counts

This report has 4 tables: Active counts by frequency, Recurring counts by frequency (More than 6 pending jobs), active counts by zone, and recurring counts by zone (More than 6 pending jobs). Total columns include number of active customers, homes, and service sets. Remember in Maid Central that a customer can have more than one home, and a home can have more than one service set.

MaidCentral is hierarchical where a Customer can have multiple Homes, and a Home can have multiple Service Sets. Recurring service is set at the Service Set level. As long as a Service Set has at least 1 Pending Job (a job scheduled to be cleaned) the Home it is associated with, and the Customer that Home is associated with are all considered Active. Over the years we've tried using tags and other methods to identify active/inactive recurring homes but these approaches quickly got out of sync with reality.

For recurring Service Sets (Every Week, Every Two Weeks, Every Three Weeks, Every Four Weeks) we create one year's worth of Pending Jobs. Every evening a job runs that creates new jobs one year out to replace the ones that just got cleaned. If a Home is on a recurring rotation we would expect it to have at least 13 Pending Jobs. Sometimes recurring homes will skip jobs in the future, making the number of Pending Jobs less than what their recurring frequency would suggest.

One of the problems we ran into by counting a Service Set with 1 or more pending jobs as Active is when a Customer calls and cancels service at some point in the future, like a move out, where they want to stay of the schedule for a couple of more jobs until they move. When this happens we cancel jobs beyond the move date, but they still have Pending Jobs and are counted as Active even though they just told you they are quitting service.

Our way of addressing this is to count the recurring Service Sets that have at least 6 Pending Jobs, thinking it is rare a moving customer would want to schedule 6 or more jobs and rarely would a recurring Every Four Week Service Set skip 7 or more jobs.

The Customer Counts report presents active Customers, Homes and Service Sets by Service Frequency using both of these methods. The count between these 2 methods is often different for the reasons explained above. Recurring Homes with Service Sets with 6 or more Pending Jobs is a better indicator of homes that have the intent of maintaining a perpetual relationship.
This Report is updated nightly.