Report | Service Set Tracker

Reporting - To find the Service Set Tracker report go to Reports > All Reports > Search Service Set Tracker.

Every day, you can use the Service Set Tracker report to watch the # of your recurring customers with a frequency of Every Week, Every Two Week, Every Three Week, and Every Four Week Service Sets that you gain or lost.  There are two additional columns:

J/W    -- Jobs per Week.
W +/-  -- Jobs per Week gain or lose.

Every Week -- Adds Subrtracts 1.0
Every Two Weeks -- Adds or Subtracts 0.50
Every Four Weeks -- Adds or Submtracts 0.25

This report measures the number of active recurring Service Sets (E1, E2, E3 and E4) only, based on 6 Pending Jobs or more, and translates them in the equivalent recurring jobs by week. This report only shows Scopes that are selected in the Kiosk Dashboard (adding selection criteria to this report is on the todo list). In order to make this report we we have to combine E3 and E4 into one field and assume they are all Every 4 Week service sets, so the weekly recurring jobs isn't exact but it's very close, we will be refining this in the future too.

The Service Set Tracker is updated real time at midnight each night.