Build Highlights - October 27th, 2023


  • Employee Manual Campaigns

  • Incentive Pay - Pre-build tiers and structures to make applying additional payments faster and more efficient!

  • Job Team and Start Time Audit Log - a closer look into what is happening when jobs move times and teams!

  • Week in Review - After closing payroll receive an email outlining some of your KPIs and major stats!

Features & Updates

  • Campaign: Customer Create Account Invite: Added filter for locked customers

  • Payroll History: Add warning if haven't closed our the week in X days

  • Partner > Settings - Allow Clearing of Logo and Left Login Page


Employee Campaigns

    • We have added a new Employee Campaign that can be found under the Company tab> Campaigns > Employee

    • Similar to Customer Campaigns, you will be able to create templates that can be manually sent in bulk to employees. This report gives you the ability to filter Employees by Tags, Skills, Hire Date, Termination date, and much more! You can even see which employees do not have user Accounts and can bulk-create accounts!

Incentive Pay

    • You now have the ability to pre-build Tiered Pay structures that can be applied en mass through the bulk additional pay report, making your incentive pay quick and easy with no hassle!

    • Settings for this new feature can be found under the Company Tab > Additional Pay > Incentive Pay tab

    • Each model can have multiple tiers - Each tier will have all the settings that are currently on Bulk Additional Pay (including Advanced Filters) - Assign Incentive Pay Model as the Employee level inside the employee profile making all your tiered pay quick and easy at the end of the week! For more information please visit our incentive pay article found here!

Report: Week in Review Release (Open Beta)

    • Week in Review is a new feature that can be found under your Company Tab > General > Features Tab Seen below

    • Once the Feature is enabled, under your Company > General > Settings a new field will appear that allows you to enter emails for the WIR to be sent to.  

    • Week in Review populates and the email is sent upon closing the week. We are enabling it for all Partners and the defaulting ALL group administrators to be on the email list.

Job Team and Time Change Audits

    • In an effort to provide better visibility into job time and team assignment changes, we’re introducing a new Audit log. This audit log will be accessible from the job popup as well as from the Jobs tab in the service set of the home account. The Audit log will display when and who changed Job Times or Team assignments. This should provide clear insight into what happens when things on your schedule don't look quite how you remember

    • Audit Logs will only be available from Today moving forward, past data will not be able to be displayed or populated due to changes made to build this new system.



Payroll History: Add a warning if the Week has not been Closed in X days


Closing the week in MaidCentral is a vital component to populate certain reports, and make sure your data is both accurate and "locked in" each week ensuring jobs, times and costs do not change as time goes on. Since closing the week is such a vital process to utilizing MaidCentral to is full ability, we have added warnings

Campaign: Customer Create Account Invite: added filter for Locked (similar to Customer Campaign)

We had received reports of filtering through locked customers on the customer invite campaign being tedious. We have added a new filter to this campaign that will allow you to remove all locked customers when populating!

Company > Partner > Settings: Allow Clearing of Logo and Left Login page

We have added a quick and easy way to remove the logo and left login page when editing


  • Bulk Rate Mod Report: Matches Filter, shows $0 Amount

  • There was an issue causing the Rate modification amount on the bulk rate modifier report to be shown as 0. This issue has been resolved and both the rate modifiers and notifications will display the correct $ amount.

  • Default for Office - Recurring Rate Modifier

  • Employee Clock Monitor -Jobs after 5:00 PM were not showing on the new team clock monitor this issue has been fixed!

  • Employee Stats was excluding unexcused from lates: this issue has been resolved

  • Employee Time Page: Changing the Date on the Clock Monitor now correctly changes the day of the entire page

  • Home Service Information View/Edit add fields for People, Pets, and Dirt Factor

  • Manual Campaign Sent Multiple Times - There was an issue that caused campaigns to be sent multiple times, this issue has been fixed and will no longer happen

  • Online sales not recorded on KPIs report for "MaidCentral" - All online bookings will give credit appropriately now

  • Quote Settings: Unified settings not saving and requiring a refresh

  • After updating the new quote settings, there were some issues with the system not saving until the page was refreshed, this issue has been resolved

  • Report: Consistency - Scheduled Start Time Comparison Conversion from UTC

  • The system was not converting start times correctly from UTC to standard time, this caused everybody's consistency to = 0. This issue has been resolved!

  • Schedule Eff. Map: Team Revenue should once again be correctly split based on the number of teams - similar to Revenue on Job Schedule

  • Stripe charges off by $.01

  • Multiple companies reported stripe charges being $.01 off, we have found the root of this issue and corrected it. You should no longer have $.01 discrepancies when charging through the stripe

  • Team Mileage visual bug for future dates

  • Sorting by team did not work when looking at future dates, this now works correctly!

  • Team monitor - Jobs missing

  • Due to start and end times specific jobs were not appearing on the team monitor this issue was resolved and all jobs should show on the team monitor