MC Pay -- Adding/Editing/Deleting a Time Clock for a Technician

When it comes to payroll processing, it is crucial to address common issues and errors related to time clocks, as they can significantly impact the accuracy and efficiency of the payroll closing process. Understanding how to edit, add, and change time clocks effectively will enable you to streamline the payroll process and ensure its timely completion. By proactively addressing these issues, you can minimize errors and maintain an efficient payroll system. Let's explore the key aspects of managing time clocks for payroll purposes:

Editing/Deleting TimeClocks:

To address situations where an employee has forgotten to clock in or out for a specific day or was unable to do so, below is a step-by-step guide on how to edit, or delete timeclocks

  1. All timeclocks are contained and can be edited in the Employee's Tab > Daily Timeclocks report 
  2. Once Inside the "Daily Timeclocks" report, Select the appropriate date for the timeclocks you wish to edit                                                               
    1. Job Clocks will be Contained under the Jobs tab
    2. Day Clocks will be contained under the Clocks Tab
  3. Job Clocks can be edited or deleted by clicking the Blue arrow, and selecting "edit" or "delete" on the timeclock.
  4. When Editing the below Edit Modal will appear, allowing you to change the Time, Employee, Position, pay (job clock), and pay type (job clock)

Day Clock >



Adding Timeclocks

New or deleted day clocks can only be added from the Employee's tab > Daily timeclocks > Clocks tab

New or deleted job timeclocks can be added from 2 places, The Invoicing and Job Records or the Daily Timeclocks.

Invoicing and Job Records:

From the Company Tab > Invoicing and Job Records, after populating the day the system will load the invoices for that day.

From the top right of each invoice you can either "Add employee" or blue arrow -> Add employee as seen below


Daily Timeclocks:

Day clocks:

  • Once inside the Employee's Tab > Daily Timeclocks, under the "clocks" tab on the far right you can "Add Timeclock" which will make the day clock edit modal appear allowing you to add the clock for any employee!


Job Clocks: 

  • You can add employees, by going into the Employees > Daily timeclocks tab and clicking on the "Add Employee to Job" as seen below. The edit modal will appear, allowing you to add any employee!



PLEASE NOTE!  If the day is not over and you are just checking the employee in for the day, you'll still go to Employees > Daily Timeclocks > Select the date > Add Timeclock: You will just want to remove the End Date then click Submit. 



Or follow along in this video!



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