How to Update the Service Set Frequency
When a customer decides to go from Single service, Every Week to Every Two Weeks, Every Two Weeks to Every Four Weeks, or any other combination of frequency changes, some manual changes must be made.
Rate Log:
Firstly, you will need to adjust the rate log. The rate log can be found under the Home level of the account. Once on the home level, choose the Rate Log Tab and select the blue Update Base Fee.
Adjusting Jobs:
Adjusting the job after setting the rate log will depend on how you are looking to schedule the next service! We will cover scheduling single jobs and using the button to adjust schedules!
Single Jobs :
For Scheduling any single job, we recommend clicking on the day in the calendar under the Home Level > Service Set > Jobs Tab. Selecting a specific day will bring up the below "Individual job" modal for you to schedule!
Adjust the entire Schedule:
On September 8th we removed the button as it was being used to quiet cancel customers creating discrepancies in reporting. Everything the Pause service button did can be done with the Modify schedule button! Follow along in the video below, or the walkthrough of how to use the modify schedule button!
Instead of using 1st, then modifying the schedule. You will just perform the necessary action with the 'Modify schedule' and it will replace any unfit jobs.
Video EX:
EX: Sayy our customer is an every two weeks customer that goes on weeks 1/3 and we need to change this customer to a week 2/4 customer. Instead of pausing service, then modifying it. The new Workflow is directly > into the next start date for the job.
> and select the date we want the new rotation to start on.
Any jobs behind that date will ask you to either be deleted, or you can manually chose to keep them
Upon deleting the checked jobs the clients new schedule is a 2/4 week bi weekly!