As a user within MaidCentral you may come across something, or think of a feature that may be beneficial to other companies as well as yourself. If you have an idea like this MaidCentral has the MaidCentral Ideas Center available for you to submit your idea directly to MaidCentral leadership for review and possible future implementation.
How to Submit an Idea
Log into your MaidCentral instance and click the MaidCentral Support button in the bottom left of your screen
From that button choose MaidCentral Ideas Center
You can then submit an idea from this chat box or choose "Open in Portal" and submit it from the next page
You can then choose "Dashboard" in the top right and review other people's ideas, and vote on whether you think it's needed or not
What's Coming?
Review ideas that are "Planned" and "In Progress" once you have accessed your portal.