The first step to getting Inova set up within your system will be to have Support turn on the Inova feature.
Our Support team can quickly get this feature turned on for you by opening a ticket or live chat with any of our agents!
Once Support has enabled and setup your Inova Integration they will reach out and notify you to begin the next step! Step 2 will be Linking and excluding your MaidCentral Employees to Inova.
Include Employee in Inove Export:
Within each employee profile > under the Information tab > Within the employee Info tab - You will need to populate the Inove Employee ID for each employee
Exclude Employee in Inova Export
Within each employee profile, Under the Information tab > Pay and Tax info tab you can check the "exclude from Inova export" seen below
After your Feature is turned on, your Company Information is entered within your Company Payroll options.
Please Note: All employees should be either Included with their Inova Employee ID or Excluded through the checkbox you are ready to start closing payroll!
Closing and preparing payroll will be your standard workflow from within MaidCentral
A great workflow with outlined video and steps can be found here
Once payroll is double-checked and Ready! Close payroll
After the payroll period has been closed The Inova export will exist within that closed payroll
Navigate to your payroll history, found in the Company Tab > All invoicing and Payroll Reports
Click on the payroll period from under the payroll history by selecting the Start or End date of your payroll summary
Once inside that closed payroll, you will see the Inova Export Button circled in green below
If the Setup is done correctly, a popup will appear allowing you to directly send the payroll to Inova or export the CSV!