How To Send a Broadcast Messages to Employees

Messaging - This feature allows you to send text messages or emails to all or a few of your employees.

Here is how to send a broadcast message:

  1. Employee > Broadcast Message

  2. On the left side, you'll see your Service Company or Companies. You'll also have the option to select Emai or Text.  If you select Email enter a Subject line and body to the Email.  If text, enter the message.

  3. PLEASE NOTE switching from Email to Text might change the list of employees you see on the right if they all do not have an email address and cell phone number associated with their employee account.

  4. On the right hand side, you'll see the list of all the employees the message can be delivered to. You can click the top check box to message everyone or you can select individual employees that you want to message.

  5. When your message is ready and the employees you want to receive said message, click Send.

  6. When employees reply to your text messages, an Open Ticket from them will appear on the Main Dashboard.

  7. If an employee replies to your email, the reply will go to the email address that is in the Email From box on the Broadcast Message page.