General - This MaidCentral How to Video demonstrates how to create a team and also provides you with explanations about the other settings you'll find on the create team tab.
Additional Options from the Team tab include:
Team Description
Soft Start - Employees can clock in before their scheduled start time and are paid for early clock in.
Hard Start - Employees can clock in before their scheduled start time but they are not clocked in until their scheduled start time.
Where does this team start their day? -- Office or Home
Where does this team end their day? -- Office or Home
Color -- Selecting the color for your teams is a very important and useful tool to become more efficient when routing your jobs. For example, if you run solo teams and they start their day at the first home and end at their last home. If Sally lives closest to Zones A, B, and C; having her Team color be a shade that matches the colors of those three zones, will ensure an easy visual when scheduling recurring jobs to her schedule route. Another example, if you run teams or solos or a combination of both and they start their day at the office and end their day at the office, you can assign team colors that will make it match the zones you want them working to start their day away from the office and lead back towards the office to conclude their day. A scheduling style like this will always help technicians be more efficient each day.
MaidCentral is designed to provide continuity of scheduling. The best way to think of a team is more like a scheduled route. It happens regardless of the resources that are applied to it. The team members can change, but the scheduled route remains. Even when a team member leaves your company, the team and the scheduled homes remain. This is valuable because you have spent a great deal of time and energy optimizing that route for efficiency and to meet client preferences as possible.