We released a build overnight on June 2, 2022. In this build you will find a few new features that have been added to MaidCentral, as well as a number of enhancements. Among these new features and enhancements, you'll find that when you're creating a contact ticket, you will now have the option to Add Note directly from there, Email Invoices are now going to the Preferred Contact, and Quoting Existing customers and then Booking through Online Quote will no longer create a new customer. Continue reading to see what else is new.
Footer: Added link to privacy policy for all users of MC
Job Edit Modal: Add Note as an Option when Creating a Contact Ticket
Rates Report: Add Column for Active Recurring Rate Modifications
Email Invoice: Now going to Preferred Contact
Franchise: Customer Source won’t require Parent Customer Source
Lead Status now correct after text is sent
Quoting existing customer and Booking through Online Quote will no longer create a new customer
Ticket Report: Unchecking Customer Note will apply and not be visible
MC 2.0:
Allowed hours no longer calculating at negative
Automated Campaigns won’t send on Weekends
Can now send Confirmation from Booked Quote
Closed Leads won’t receive Campaigns
HTTP Retrieval Errors within Twilio resolved
Processing Twilio events in the background
New Quote for a booked customer no longer receiving Internal Server Error
PTO and Time off able to be combined to make a full day off
Allow PTO/Time Off requests to touch each other but not overlap
Quote will negate the Lead email
Lead Email will be sent 10 Minutes after clicking Next on Step 1 (will not be sent if the Lead receives a Quote by Email) Quote Email will be sent 5 minutes after clicking Next on Step 2 (will not be sent if the Quote books within 5 minutes)