This section will outline the features of custom dashboards and the ticket Kanban dashboard!
Custom Dashboards :
Custom dashboards will allow you to create an interface that displays key performance indicators (KPIs), metrics, and other relevant data in a visually intuitive and interactive format. These personalized data hubs that we call widgets, will allow your businesses to monitor, analyze, and track the metrics that matter most to you, providing a comprehensive overview of your operations!
Please Note:
All requests and ideas for new widgets must be submitted through our designated Ideas portal. Kindly note that our support team will not be able to assist with or implement widget requests directly.
For more information on submitting ideas please refer to this article.
Setup and Management:
Upon Login, you will have 3 standard Dashboards that we have pre-built for you! These dashboards can be Renamed, Edited to suit your needs, or even deleted
Ticket Kanban Stats by Week Sales KPI
Create New Dashboard:
When inside any dashboard, at the top right click Customize My Dashboard, then Manage Dashboards, and at the top right of the dashboard modal > Create
If the top right of your dashboard does not have the "Customize my dashboard" and looks like the bar below, clicking "Save Dashboard" will change the below into the Customize my Dashboard button
Edit Dashboards + Add Widgets:
Once a dashboard is created when viewing that dashboard you can edit the dashboards appearance, or add widgets to the dashboard! By Clicking the "Customize My Dashboard" button > Edit Dashboard you will be able to begin editing and managing that specific dashboard.
You will know you are editing a dashboard by 2 major visual changes
1) Yellow Background - when editing the dashboard the background will turn yellow, allowing you to drag and drop widgets.
2) The Top right options will change into the below 3 options. These will allow you to add widgets to the dashboard
Add Widget
Once editing a dashboard you will see the "Add Widget" button at the top right, clicking this will allow you to add any of the 30 Widgets that are currently supported!
Please Note: Widgets will stack on each other when initially added more than 1 widget can be added at a time the widgets will unstack upon saving the widget modal. The video at the bottom of this article shows this interaction
Delete Dashboard:
Dashboards can be deleted from within the "customize My Dashboard > Manage Dashboard settings. Once inside the edit modal, clicking on the blue arrows will allow you to delete your dashboard
Or please follow along as we make a dashboard in the below video!