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MaidCentral - Help Center
Customer Level
Customer Level
How was a Lead Entered?
Editing/Manual Scorecard Entries
How To Delete A Customer
Delete Account vs. Lock Customer
Setting Preferred or Exclude times in MC
Removing Notifications - Scorecard, 1/2/3 day reminder, invoice, OTW
Adding Pictures to a House that shows on All Jobs
Customer Portal : How to sign in
Customer Level Tabs
Home Account Level Tabs
MaidCentral Customer Portal
How To : Add Rooms to a Individual Service Set
When a customer enters their credit card info in their portal, will it automatically show up under the customer payments tab?
Marking a duplicate address as DO NOT USE
Setting the Correct Billing Terms for Each Customer Before Creating Invoices
Launch Reminder Notifications
Troubleshooting How To Set Up a Customer's Portal Access Using Their Email Address from Their Account (Video)
How was a Lead Entered?
Editing/Manual Scorecard Entries
How To Delete A Customer
Delete Account vs. Lock Customer
Setting Preferred or Exclude times in MC
Removing Notifications - Scorecard, 1/2/3 day reminder, invoice, OTW
Adding Pictures to a House that shows on All Jobs
Customer Portal : How to sign in
Customer Level Tabs
Home Account Level Tabs
MaidCentral Customer Portal
How To : Add Rooms to a Individual Service Set
When a customer enters their credit card info in their portal, will it automatically show up under the customer payments tab?
Marking a duplicate address as DO NOT USE
Setting the Correct Billing Terms for Each Customer Before Creating Invoices
Launch Reminder Notifications
Troubleshooting How To Set Up a Customer's Portal Access Using Their Email Address from Their Account (Video)
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