Updating Existing Rate Modifications

With the Build Release

Creating Base Rates
When a user creates a new Base Rate for a Service Set either at the home level or through Rate Increases/Adjustments, Maid Central will check to see if there are any Percentage-based Recurring Rate Modifications associated with the Service Set. If there are, an additional section will appear that will as if the user would like to recalculate the percentage-based Rate Modification based on the new Base Rate.



Editing a Rate Modification
From the Scope of Work > Rate Modifications tab, when you change the Time or Cost of the Rate Modification, Maid Central will display a count of how many associated Rate Modifications are linked. You will have the option to update and recalculate all Job and Recurring Rate Modifications.

For Recurring Rate Modifications, the old Rate Modification will receive an End Date and a new Rate Modification will be created, starting on the same date.


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