Build Highlights July 29, 2022


MaidCentral released a build overnight on July 28, 2022. This build contains so many exciting features that are brand new, as well as some awesome enhancements to existing features! We can't wait for you to see the latest improvements we've made to the software, be sure to continue reading below to learn what changes you can expect to see. 



  • Use your Availability Calendar > Employees tab and the new Tool Tips to understand how the Efficiency Hours are calculated for each scheduled employee. We even show you how your trainees are being counted using your Trainee Position Factor Settings.
  • To keep your customers in the know when adding their credit card via the Customer Portal we've updated the verbiage to the following: "By adding a Credit Card, you are authorizing (Your Company) to process payments for services automatically"
  • Check out the updates to your Employee Turnover by Week Report. Feature updates allow for you to easily keep a pulse on your employee turnover after closing out the week in MC. We added a start date column, Year, and Week column, also allowing you to easily compare your 3-month moving average vs your 12-month moving average. Your most recent week has been moved to the top to best stay up to date. 
  • Displayed in the upper right-hand corner of your technicians' job worksheets, the Time to Complete feature has been enhanced with a new Tooltip displaying calculations on how that Time to Complete is calculated. Click here for an awesome video we did earlier this week explaining our Time to Complete feature before the new Tooltip was added.


  • MC 2.0: We've added the ability to create Rate Modifications with a quantity over 999
  • MC 2.0: New Credit Cards now automatically display as the default card
  • MC 2.0: First time job instructions applying to booked jobs
  • MC 2.0: Quote Rounding - Ability to add to the nearest dime
  • MC 2.0: Correct questions appearing on Step 2 even after removing a Scope from a Quote
  • Rates Increase/Adjustment Report - Duplicate entries are light red like the header at the top allowing you to easily see your variance column
  • Sales KPI Report: Lead Source Counts include Child Lead Sources. If a customer source is missing, system defaults to Customer Source "Other."
  • Stats by Week Report: Payroll Total Column Tooltip (Gross Wages minus Tips for Employees who have Job Hours greater than zero)

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