There are many new features and enhancements to be found in the build that went out overnight on Thursday, March 17. You will find big changes in Simplified Pricing within your Quoting Tool, if you quote by Square Feet, this is an article you'll definitely want to continue reading. Aside from the Simplified Pricing feature, you will find other new features such as a newly added redirect URL after your customer books, and enhancements such as updates to the Revenue by Week report to help it load more quickly, and to the Timesheet where you can now see who adjusted the clock time. Continue reading to learn more.
MC 2.0: Simplified Pricing
Scope of Work > General Settings
Square Foot Input determines if we display a Textbox or Select List for Square Feet input
Square Foot Calculation Method determines if we use the Actual Value that was input or if we use the Top of the Range that the input value falls within (Note: if Select List is displayed, the top end of the range will be used because there isn’t an input value).
This input does NOT affect Room Pricing because we don’t use the actual square feet in any calculations
Simplified Pricing
Changing the settings at the top will automatically update the example table
You will have to hit save after changing your settings for them to be live
The example table shows 1000-8000 sq feet with 500 square foot increments
We recommend that Partners do not set factors for “How many square feet is your home?” when they are using Square Feet or Simplified Pricing, as this will add confusion.
MC 2.0:
Add Redirect URL for Online Bookings
At the Scope Group Settings, a new form field is added for Online Quoting Tool Redirect URL. If supplied, after the customer books, they will be redirected to this URL.
Online Booked Quote > Send Account Invite Email
If the Customer didn’t create the account via Step 4 (non redirected confirmation) within 5 minutes, the Customer will receive an email asking to create their account
Employee Details: You now have the ability to display Inactive Scopes and Pay Structures
There is no longer an Internal Server Error on Revenue and Production Planning
We updated the query and added filters to the Revenue by Week report to try and speed up the loading process
Schedulers: The Show Full Day button no longer hiding behind the Support button
Technician Dashboard: Uploading Job Photos that are an unsupported file type will no longer cause an error
Timesheet: Yellow Clock Icon – This now shows who adjusted the time; one minute clock changes also showing
The ModifiedBy and DateLastModified were not being updated when Time Sheets were being updated by Office Staff, which is why it was appearing that the Technicians were adjusting their own time. This is now fixed for future data.
Mc 2.0:
Create Quote from customers with duplicate contact info won’t show an error on Step 1 Save
Scope of Work: Revenue and Goals
There was an error stating “Not Sent by Server” that has been corrected