Batch Invoicing

Invoicing -  Batch invoicing allows you to complete the cleaning for multiple jobs over a period of time and put them on one invoice after the house/business is cleaned.

Things To Note:

  • Customers' jobs will only show on the Batch Invoice Report once the I&J report for that day is submitted at least once. You must process invoices at least once on the Invoicing & Jobs page for the invoice to show up under Batch Invoice. On the Invoicing and Jobs page, leave the Invoice checkbox unchecked, click Submit, then load the Batch Invoice report.

  • If a customer is set up with the Batch Invoice Billing Terms and ALSO has a Recurring Tip set up, you must manually add the Tips as Additional Pay for each date/job that was part of that Batch of Invoices.


You can set a customer up with batch invoicing. From the customer's account click the edit pencil in the orange box.

Now from the Billing Terms drop-down box, select Batch Invoice. Once selected, click Save Customer.

Processing and Creating Invoices

Upon clicking Create Invoices and Charge jobs from the Invoicing & Job Records report, jobs with customers set to Batch Invoice will have their invoices processed and accumulated under the Company > Batch Invoice section in Maid Central.

  • PLEASE NOTE: Each day you click the blue creating invoices button from the Invoicing & Job Records report, You can batch invoice customers who are not set to batch invoice by selecting the box below on the invoicing and job records. Customers who are set to Batch Invoicing will automatically have the below settings when invoiced

Creating Invoices:

When customers who are set up with the billing terms of Batch Invoice are ready to be invoiced, all their jobs are processed under the Company Tab >Batch Invoicing. Select the customer's name to see the jobs available to batch invoices. To make sure all the appropriate jobs are checked, Click Create Invoice.

  • All Jobs whose invoices were processed will be displayed. If there are jobs not displaying and invoices have been processed, please open a ticket with support

Applying Payment

If you, as the office staff, would like to apply for payment, you can do so by navigating to the Customer level of the account and clicking the Quickbooks Tab. Click on the Invoice number, and apply for a credit card or post check/cash payment for the full amount of their batched invoice.