Payroll - In this article, we walk you through how to request Paid Time Off (PTO) as a technician, how to approve or decline that paid time off by an office staff member, where to go to verify the paid time off taken during the pay period, and how to add the additional pay to their payroll summary!
If PTO is not properly requested, approved, and paid it will not appear on Payroll. Please make sure to complete all 3 steps of PTO - Requesting, Approving, and Payment
Requesting PTO
Requesting PTO is easy for both a Technician and as an Office Staff, It can be done quick and easily from inside your Portal!
1) Once Signed into your Employee Portal, go into your " My Employee Profile" Tab
2) Once inside the Employee Profile Tab, On the right side of the screen Select "New Request", and the Request modal will appear
3) Using the Request Modal Seen below, Fill in the proper dates, and times for your request
** Upon Requesting Time Off, the employee will receive an email based on the "Employee Request - Pending Request Pending" Template
Office Staff
Office staff can make requests for employees through their employee profile under the Employee Tab > Search Employee
1) Once inside the Employee Profile Navigate to the Attendance Tab
2) Follow Steps 2+3 from the Technician Guide above by clicking on the "New Request found at the right side of the attendance tab
Approving/Denying PTO
Once an employee has requested Time off, as an Office staff a notification will appear under the tab at the top right of MaidCentral. Underneath the "Employee Tab | Schedule Requests" you will see Which Employee is Requesting, What they have Requested, and when the request was submitted
*Clicking this request will take you to their employee profile*
1) Once inside the employee profile navigate to their attendance tab
2) New requests will appear under the "New Request Section" on the right side of the attendance tab
Please Note * If the request is not shown here, selecting "View All Requests" will pull up all requests
3) From either of the 2 pages seen above you can "Cancel" "Approve" or "Deny" these requests
Deny - Upon denying a request the system will email the employee the "Employee Request - Denied - Request Denied" Template
Approved - Upon approving a request the system will email the employee the "Employee Request - Approved- Request Approved" Template
PTO Report - Applying Pay
Once a PTO request is approved, all necessary information and pay can be applied through the PTO report found under the Company Tab > PTO
1) Once inside the Paid Time Off Report, populate the appropriate date range of the PTO requests
2) All Approved Requests will appear allowing you to create the additional pay individually or in bulk!
Please Note ** The Hourly Rate column will auto-populate any amount set under the Employee Profile > Hourly Rate as seen below
Applying PTO for an Emergency/Unexcused Request
When a technician submits an emergency request for Paid Time Off, there is a slightly different process to approve the PTO and still count the emergency request as an Unexcused absence.
This is a Paid Time Off request with an Emergency Status. To approve the PTO, the request will need to be approved. This will move the PTO request to the Paid Time Off report to be processed like all other PTO requests.
However, once the request is approved, the emergency status will be changed to Approved. If this is still counted as an emergency request in your company, you'll need to manually change the individual day status back to Unexcused.
Double-click the Paid Time Off Date and change the Out Code Status to Unexcused. Now the date is counted as an unexcused absence while being approved for Paid Time Off.
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