Trainee Hourly Wage : Setup, and FaQ

MaidCentral pays trainees off of different settings than normal technicians or captains get, follow along with this article to learn how to setup and understand trainee pay!


Some Things to Note:

  • All trainee pay in MaidCentral is paid hourly
  • If trainee pay is overwritten on a timeclock the payroll summary will display the payrate set under the company>general>Trainee Pay

How to Access Payroll Options:

Trainee hourly pay is set company-wide and can be found under the Company Tab > General > Payroll Options 

1. Click "General"

Screenshot of: Click "General"

2. Click "Payroll Options"

Screenshot of: Click "Payroll Options"

3. Set your "Trainee Hourly Wage"

Screenshot of: Set your "Trainee Hourly Wage"

Whenever an employee is scheduled as a Trainee, their wage will pull from the box seen above! Any changes need to be made manually to timeclocks, or change the above setting, and refresh the timeclock


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