Job / Clock Change Requests: Office and Technician Requests

Both technicians and the office staff can create clock change requests. From the office, you can send a request to a technician to approve a time change request, or as a technician, you can send a time change request for a current clock to the office staff for change.


Clock Change Requests as Office:

When editing any time clock you will have 2 options Save or Send for review.

  • Save:

When selecting "save" the timeclock adjustment or creation will go directly into Maidcentral and will NOT send any information to the technician for approval. This is the old standard way of editing timeclocks

  • Send for Review

When sending timeclocks for review there will be a multi-step workflow that needs to be followed. We have included a detailed flow chart outlining the intended workflow for Timeclock Reviews 

When "sending for review" a modal will popup, allowing you to create a comment 

Once the request is created, Employees will see all past and present requests from their technician dashboard, Seen below employees can respond by rejecting or approving the timeclock 

Approval: Upon approving the timeclock change request, the time clock will be created or adjusted accordingly.

Reject: When a timeclock is rejected an edit modal will appear allowing the technician to state why they rejected this change.



Send for Review Workflow:




Clock Change Requests as a Technician:

 Once signed in as an employee and clocked in you will see the below "Request clock change"


Job clock change as an employee

Job clock changes are found inside the job level of your employee portal, once inside a job under your check out button you can "request a clock change"



If there is somebody on your team or the job with you the below modal will appear. Allowing you to choose which employees should be affected by the timeclock change!


Job and Clock Changes from the Office:


Clock Change requests will be displayed in 2 areas

Area 1) Under the Employee Tab > Daily Timeclocks > Time Change Requests Tab


The second option is through the mceclip0.png button at the top right of your MaidCentral website > Employee Tab and Job/Clock change requests 



Can my technician Request a clock change for a Previous day?

A technician cannot request a clock change for a previous work day from their Technician Dashboard, once that day has passed.

If a clock/time change is needed for a previous day, an office/admin user would have to complete this task for the technician from Employees Daily Timeclocks. Or if it's a job time clock change this can be edited from Company Invoicing & Payroll Records report.


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