Employee Report -- Employee Stats

The Employee Stats report has numerous columns that helps you manage your team, including time managment, employee performance, Sick/Work days tracking and much more. With these tools, you can ensure your team is working efficiently and delivering quality service to your customers.

The Employee Stats report found under Reports > Employee Reports | Employee Stats automatically loads with the Last 180 Days worth of employee statistics.

  • You can use the date picker to change the date range of information you'd like to view.mceclip2.png
  • You can  use the Column Visibility filter to hide columns.mceclip0.png
  • The report can be exported to Excel and directly into a PDF file.mceclip1.png



Columns include:

Last Name

First Name

Birth Date

Birth Month

Hire Date

Hire Month

Days worked/excused/unexcused/late/off

attendance score in %

Jobs completed during that date range

PTO Hours Section includes - Used and Available Hours

Sick Hours also includes Used and Available Hours

The next section is for Future request time off; Approved and All.

The Scorecard section includes columns for Total votes, 4,3,2,1,0 scores returned

AVG % by employee

Response Rate

Hours (Total Clock Hours)


Efficiency includes -  Job Hours, Clock Hours, Revenue, Efficiency, Rev/Clock Hrs.

The final section is for Productivity. Shows employee productivity by percentage for all Service Set Types offered by your company!



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