MC Thinkific Crash Course! Scheduling, Dispatching, and Customer Support

You can find everything you need to know about the Maid Central Crash Course! Scheduling, Dispatching, and Customer Support workflows (and much more!) in the Thinkific course located here:


Just log in with an email and password of your choice to view the course.


(Thinkific is not directly connected with MC, your MC account and Thinkific account are 2 different accounts, they will not share passwords unless you set them up to do so!)


This Maid Central Thinkific Crash Course is based on scheduling, dispatch, and customer support.

Whether you’re the new Operations Manager to a company that uses Maid Central, switching roles, or taking on new responsibilities within your current company that uses Maid Central, this MC Thinkific Crash Course will help you find the resources you need inside of Maid Central to be successful when it comes to scheduling and dispatch activities, as well as customer support.

Help the professional cleaning company you work for solve the puzzle in planning, executing, and managing the daily activities surrounding the ability to day in and day out provide excellent cleaning services.

The scheduling & dispatch, and customer support features, functions, and reports of Maid Central will help your professional cleaning company, (with your company's entire teams help of course) solve the puzzle of how work gets done. By understanding your employee productivity and efficiency for example, you will be able to use this information to fine-tune processes to save time, and fix some of the most persistent frustrations had by your cleaning professional teams in the field.

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