Sending and Resending Scorecards

Scorecards are a great way to gauge your customers' thoughts about your services! MaidCentral Allows you to set up automatic scorecard emails, and texts after cleans, and if anything goes wrong a way to resend them as well!


A scorecard notification can be set up within the customer profile

Once inside the customer Profile under the "Contacts & Notifications" Tab, you can "Create Notification" and setup the Scorecard Feedback notification as seen below


There is currently only 1 way to resend a scorecard to a customer, that is through the Scorecard Results Report seen below

Once inside the Scorecard Results report, you will need to make sure that "Only Show Responses" is turned off. then chose which date range of scorecards you would like to resend!


Please note*

  • A Scorecard can only be resent, if the customer had the notification setup prior to the job being completed

  • Scorecards trigger upon the last employee checking out of the job

  • If the customer did not have a notification, and their job has been completed there is no way to resend a scorecard for that specific job.